Music institutions, as orchestras, conservatories and music schools, very often possess an "instrument fleet" also of high value.
In orchestras, musicians often own teachers' instruments; while schools and conservatories have instruments that come from necessity acquisitions, donations or direct investments.
This heritage must be protected not only for its historical value and use. For this purpose, we are able to provide the most advanced insurance solutions with the best prices on the market.
We are able to propose policies to protect musicians, the teaching staff and students, both from the point of view of damage and that of civil liability.
To ensure the musical instruments there are two types of covers that, according to different needs, are able to offer a correct solution. In fact, the instruments can be subject to both "static" and "dynamic" risks, that means they can be damaged within their own reality or outside for use or while they are entrusted to third parties.
In the first case, the goods can be insured in one or more specific places. In the second case, in addition to the previous coverage, the instruments are insurable even during travel, transport and transfers, intermediate stops of the musician entrusted to them, tours, concerts and events involving collective transport.
The instruments are insured with a single policy in the form of the "matriculation book" with a detailed list of all the pieces that are going to be insured both owned by the contractor and by the professors and / or musicians.
The policy provides for the possibility of covering any instrument of an orchestra, including harps, pianos and percussion.